Nicolas Moll

Trans-European Research and Cooperation

Interviews with “Buka” and “Balkan Insight” about Kazani and dealing with the past in BiH and the post-Yugoslav space

“Our Hero, Your killer: A Sarajevo Story”: Interview with “Balkan Insight”, conducted by Denis Dzidic, published online 10.8.2015: English   B/C/S “Svi trebamo progovoriti gdje su nestale naše komšije u ratu” : Interview with “Buka”, conducted by Elvir Padalović and Aleksandar Trifunović, published online 11.8.2015: B/C/S English version BUKA (as pdf)

New publication: “Sarajevska najpoznatija javna tajna”: Suočavanje sa Cacom, Kazanima i zločinima počinjenim nad Srbima u opkoljenom Sarajevu, od rata do 2015. (“Sarajevo’s most known public secret”: Dealing with Caco, Kazani and crimes committed against Serbs in besieged Sarajevo, from the war until 2015)

Published by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation BiH, Sarajevo, first edition July 2015, second edition September 2016 with an additional afterword, available online as pdf: German version: Moll UmgangCacoKazani DeutscheVersion German version Afterword 2016: Nachwort2016 Kazani Moll Dt Abstract: Two names have become synonymous with crimes committed against Serbs by units of the Army of […]

New publication: “An Integrative Symbol for a Divided Country? Commemorating the 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the 1992-1995 War until Today”

In: Politička misao, Vol.51 No.5, May 2015, 127-156. Online as pdf: Abstract: To what extent can deeply divided societies develop integrative and connecting symbols that are transgressing political, social and national borders and division lines? The present text addresses this question by analyzing the discourses and memories of the 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics in […]

New publication: “Division and Denial and Nothing Else? Culture of History and Memory Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

In: Cultures of History Forum, Imre Kertész Kolleg University Jena, April 2015. Online: The article gives an overview of the fragmented culture of history in Bosnia and Herzegovina, twenty years after the end of the 1992-1995 war which left the country deeply divided along political and ethnic lines. Parallel ethnonational narratives about the past are […]

Charlie, Nicht-Charlie, Ahmed, Dalia… Wer bin ich, und wenn ja, wie viele ?

Als nach den Charlie Hebdo-Morden sehr schnell die Parole “Je suis Charlie” auftauchte und zum zentralen Slogan auf sozialen Netzwerken und im öffentlichen Raum wurde, fand ich das einerseits gut und nachvollziehbar: Es ist eine einfache und klare Geste, Solidarität zu bekunden, und um gerade durch die Masse der “Je suis Charlie”-Verbreitung zu demonstrieren, wie […]