“Europe dies or is reborn in Sarajevo”: The international protest and solidarity mobilisations during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the attempts to build ‘another Europe’
Presentation at the international conference “Transnational Political Contention and European Integration”, Vienna, 21-22 September 2022
Welcome to Sarajevo / Bosnia and Herzegovina! A historical-political introduction
Lecture for a a group of teachers from Denmark, Sarajevo, 19.9.2022
Ethnonationalism and division – and nothing else ? Politics of memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation druing the SIT Study Abroad 2022 – program / Peace and Conflict Studies in the Balkans, Sarajevo, 21.10.2022
Zwei Staaten, zwei Gedenkstätten: Jasenovac als geteilter Erinnerungsort [Two states, two memorials: Jasenovac as a divided place of remembrance]
Presentation at the 15. European Summer University: Memorials as places of multidirectional memory – Positions – Potentials – Perspectives, Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück, 29.08.-2.9.2022
Deutsch-französische Ideen auf dem West-Balkan [Franco-German ideas in the Western Balkans]
Presentation at the conference “Re-Thinking the Franco-German ‘Cultural Model’ in a Global World”, by the University of Amsterdam, the Goethe Institut Amsterdam and the Institut Francais des Pays Bas, Amsterdam, 12 and 13 May 2022
Memory politics and cultures in Bosnia and Herzegovina : A personal exploration itinerary in six steps
Presentation at the regional module „(Re)Thinking Memory ? Mapping the sites of memory“, orgnaized by the Centar for Public history, Cres, 28.3. – 2.4.2022
Presentation of the exhibition “Wake Up, Europe! Support and solidarity mobilisations for Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens during the 1992- 1995 war”
International conference “The Conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina 30 Years Later: A Legal and Historical Reflection” organized by the University of Padova, Padova, 24-25 March 2022
Von einem der auszog, den Balkan kennenzulernen: Erfahrungen aus Forschung und Praxisarbeit zu den Kriegen der 1990er Jahre im postjugoslawischen Raum [From one who went out to get to know the Balkans: Experiences from research and practical work on the wars of the 1990s in the post-Yugoslav region]
Lecture at the Forschungskolloquium Osteuropäische Geschichte / Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 1/12/2021
Jenseits des Nationalismus: Alternative Erinnerungskulturen im postjugoslawischen Raum [Beyond Nationalism: Alternative Cultures of Memory in the Post-Yugoslav Space]
Lecture, together with Jacqueline Niesser, at the Evangelische Akademie Sachsen, 04.11.2021 (online)
War, antinationalism and workers solidarity: International Workers Aid during and after the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lecture, Workers History Festival, Copenhagen, 30.10.2021
Never again war, never again Auschwitz ? Civil society mobilizations regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina in Germany
Presentation at the international workshop „Citizens’ commitment and transnational solidarity in Europe at the turn of the 1990s: from Poland to Bosnia-Herzegovina“, organized by the Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie (CREE – INALCO) in cooperation with Memory Lab, Paris, 1.7.2021
Spain, Munich, Auschwitz: The role of historical analogies in the protest movements in Europe against the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1992-1995
Presentation at the conference “Memory and Social Movements”, organized by the Institut für soziale Bewegungen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bochum, 18-19 June 2021
War and transformation : Forms and conflicts of memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the 1990s
Lecture, together with Elma Hasimbegovic, at the Colloquium organized by the resarch group „Diktaturerfahrung und Transformation“ of the Universuty of Erfurt, 11.2.2021
From places of violence to places of learning? A short overview of the history and the evolution of Memorial- places in Europe from 1945 to today
Lecture during the Franco-German-Albanian online-seminar “Places of violence, places of learning”, organized by crossborder factory, Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, Memorial of the Montluc Prison and Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania, in the framework of the SEE Initiative of the Franco German Youth Office and of Memory Lab, 19-23.10.2020
“Solidarity with Bosnia and Herzegovina”: Protest movements in Europe against the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1992-1995
Lecture in the framework of the Cultural Program of the Lingvisti-Summer School 2020 and 2021, Sarajevo, 21.7.2020 (online) and 13.7.2021
Die Zeitschrift “Die Versöhnung” und ihr Engagement für eine Verständigung der Völker während und nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg (1917-1919) [The journal „Die Versöhnung“ (Reconciliation) and its commitment to international understanding during and after the First World War (1917-1919)]
Presentation at the conference “Reconciliation between Oblivion and Memory: History of a Moving Concept (Europe, 19th c. and first half of 20th c.)”, Paris, German Historical Institute, 20.–22. November 2019
History and memories of the « Third Reich » and the Nationalsocialist crimes in Germany
Lecture duing the seminar « Learning from a violent past for a peaceful future », Buchenwald Memorial, 5.11.2019
„Europäischer Orient“, “europäisches Jerusalem”, “Schande Europas”? Bosnien und Herzegowina als europäische Herausforderung [„European Orient”, “European Jerusalem”, “Shame of Europe”? Bosnia and Herzegovina as a European challenge]
Opening lecture at the Kolleg Europa – Ideen von Europa, Sarajevo, 15.-21.9.2019, organized by Deutscher Akademische Austauschdienst, Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. and Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Etnonationalism and divison and nothing else? Dealing with the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Lecture during the Bosnia and Herzegovina- political study trip organized by Al Sharq Reisen, Sarajevo, 17.8.2019
– Lecture during 4th Humanity in Action Summer Fellowship Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 10.6.2019
– Lecture at the “Peace and Conflict Studies in the Balkans”-program of the School for International Training (SIT) – Study Abroad, Sarajevo, 22.3.2019 and 18.10.2019
“Solidarity with Bosnia and Herzegovina”: Protest movements in Europe against the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1992-1995
Lecture in the framework of the Cultural Program of the Lingvisti-Summer School 2019, Sarajevo, 25.7.2019
Paysages, mémoires de guerre(s) et transitions dans l’espace (post)yougoslave (Landscapes, war memories and transitions in the (post-)Yugoslav space)
Presentation at the panel “Images et paysage: traces de guerre, oeuvre de paix”, Les Rendez-vous de l’Histoire, Blois, 13.10.2018
Zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen für Versöhnung und Kriegsaufarbeitung in Bosnien und Herzegowina (Civil Society Initiatives for reoncilation and dealing with the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Presentation during the study trip Bosnien und Herzegowina – Reise in die Zivilgesellschaft, organized by die tageszeitung, Sarajevo, 6.10.2018
The historical evolution and current political situation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – an introduction
– Presentation at the seminar “Learning lessons from a violent past for a peaceful future”, Sarajevo, 1.10.2018
– Presentation for a group from the “Barcelona Youth Council”, organized by the YIHR BiH, Sarajevo, 8.9.2018
– Presentation during a study trip of Long Island University-students in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 15.4.2019
Peace! Peace? 1918 and the aftermath of Wold War One – and why it matters to deal with them 100 years later
Lecture during the preparatory meeting for youth leaders of the event “Youth for peace – 100 years after World War One, 100 ideas for peace”, organized by Franco-German Youth Office, Berlin, 15.9.2018
Competing memories everywhere? Politics of memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Lecture during the Bosnia and Herzegovina-study trip organized by Alsharq REISE, Sarajevo, 8.9.2018
– Lecture duing the study trip “(Ex-)Yugoslavia Revisited” of the University Klagenfurt/Celovec, Sarajevo 12.5.2018
Between remembrance, denial and forgetting : Why monuments?
Presentation at the “Night in Trnopolje”, organzied by KVART, Prijedor, 5.8.2018
(De)Constructing Memorials in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation and workshop during the “Project on Peacebuilding” organized by Most Mira, Prijedor, 5.8.2018
Between denial and recognition: Attitudes towards “own crimes” in post war-Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation during the “Humanity in Action Fellowship Program Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Sarajevo, 25.6.2018
Sharing and connecting experiences in dealing with the past: Memory Lab’s work in and with Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation at the panel “Practices of dealing with difficult pasts: Bosnia and Herzegovina experience”, organized by the Hrant Dink Foundaton, Istnabul, 1.12.2017
Youth as Peace Makers? From France and Germany to the Western Balkans
Lecture at the University of Minneapolis, 9.10.2017
Who’s Afraid of Memory? Youth and Peace Building in France and Germany and in the Western Balkans
Presentation at the panel “Does Memory Help or Hamper the Democratic Future? Lessons from the Holocaust and Genocides”, at the annual conference of the German Studies Association, Atlanta, 7.10.2017
From idea to reality: The establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans (RYCO)
Presentation at the RYCO-youth-seminar in Ljubljana and Trieste, 8.-13.7.2017
The siege of Sarajevo, 1992-1995/6
Lecture, combined with a visit of the exhibition “Besieged Sarajevo” in the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the Summer University Srebrenica 2017, Sarajevo, 5.7.2017
Die “Banalität des Guten”? “Positive Geschichten” über interethnische Hilfe im Bosnienkrieg im Kontext globaler Diskurse über Retter in Zeiten von Massengewalt (The “banality of good”? “Positive stories” about interethnic help and rescue during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and global discourses about rescuers in times of mass violence)
Lecture at the Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien, University Regensburg, 30.5.2017
Zwischen Erinnern und Verdrängen: Der Umgang mit der nationalsozialistsichen Vergangenheit in Deutschland von 1945 bis heute (Between rememberning and denial: Dealing with the national-socialist past in Germany from 1945 until today)
Lecture at the University of Sarajevo / Faculty of Philosophy, Seminar of Ljubinka Petrovic-Ziemer, Sarajevo, 22.5.2017
Sarajevo und Bosnia and Herzegovina: Geschichte und Gegenwart in 15 Schlaglichtern (Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina: Past and present in 15 images)
Lecture at the Spring Meeting of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Sarajevo, 28.4.2017
Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust and their public representations: perfect heroes or ambivalent figures?
Lecture and workshop during the seminar “The Holocaust as a starting point”, organized by the Mémorial de la Shoah, Sarajevo, 25.-28.4.2017
The Memory of Interethnic Help and Rescue during Periods of Mass Violence (especially related to the 1992-95-war in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Lecture at the University of Copenhagen, organized by the Research Centre “The Many Roads in Modernity”, Copenhagen, 13.3.2017
Que signifie réconciliation ? Deux expériences de sortie de conflit : France-Allemagne après 1945, Bosnie-Herzégovine après 1995 (What does reconciliation mean? Two experiences of getting out of war: Bosnia-Herzegvoina after 1995, France-Germany after 1945)
Lecture at the Lycée Georges Clemenceau, Montpellier, 9.3.2017
Oublier le passé au nom de la réconciliation? Travail de mémoire et relations franco-allemandes de 1945 à aujourd’hui (To forget the past in the name of reconciliation? Memory work and Franco-German relations from 1945 until today)
Lecture organized by ONACVG and the Maison de Heidelberg, Montpellier, 8.3.2017
Who is competing against whom? National identity constructions and historical narratives in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation at the international workshop “Shared Memories, Contested Memories and Historical Silences: Comparison between Turkey, Israel and the Balkans”, organized by The Van Leer Jerualem Institute, Jersualem, 14.11.2016
Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina: a historical-political introduction in 15 pictures/slides
– Leture at the European Young Leaders Summer Training Seminar, organized by the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) in Sarajevo, 12-20.8.2016
– Lecture during the study abroad class for students from Cornell College, Iowa, USA, in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sarajevo, 19.10.2016
Memory Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Nothing but Ethnonationalism and Divisions?
Lecture at the 2016 Summer School in Comparative Conflict Studies “Memory and Conflict: Remembering and Forgetting in Divided Societies”, organized by the Center for Comparative Conflict Studies (CFCCS) at the Faculty of Media and Communications in Belgrade, 27.6.-4.7.2016
Between denial and recognition: Attitudes towards “own crimes” in post-war Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lecture at the Humanity in Action – Summer Fellowship Program Sarajevo 2016, Sarajevo, 9.6.2016
Reconciliation without trials? The dealing with war crimes within the French-German relations, 1945 – today
Lecture at the international seminar « Justice without reconciliation? », 2nd phase, organized by the Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau, ALTEA France, YIHR Serbia, Community Building Mitrovica, Humanitarian Law Centar Kosovo and FGYO, Paris, 7.-13.3.2016
Youth exchange and reconciliation: From the origins of the Franco-German Youth Office to it’s work in the Western Balkans
Presentation at a meeting between the Minister of Civil Affairs of BiH, Adil Osmanovic, and the Ambassadors of France and Germany in BiH, Claire Bodony and Christian Hellbach, Parliament of BiH, Sarajevo, 11.12.2015
Nazi Crimes on Trials in Western Germany and their representation in fiction movies from 1945 until today
Movie-lecture at the international seminar “Justice without reconciliation? War crimes and war crime trials in Europe since 1945”, 1st phase, organized by Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau (Germany), ALTEA –France (France), Youth Initiative for Human Rights de Belgrade (Serbia), Community Building Mitrovica (Kosovo), Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, and the Franco-German Youth Office, Dachau – The Hague, 3.-11.11.2015
“Sarajevo’s most known public secret”: Dealing with Caco, Kazani and crimes committed against Serbs in besieged Sarajevo, from the war until 2015
Lecture at the seminar “Tranzicijska pravda – put ka miru”, organized by the European Law Students Association Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 21.9.2015
1914, 1941-45, 1984, 1992-1995: Schlüsseldaten der Geschichte Sarajevos und ihre Erinnerung (1914, 1941-45, 1984, 1992-1995: Key dates in the history of Sarajevo and their memory)
Lecture at the Study Trip – Summer School “Sarajevo – Dauerhafter Frieden in Europa?” organized by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Sarajevo, 5.-12.9.2015
The historical evolution and the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina – an introduction
– Lecture at the “Sarajevo Youth Summit”, organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Sarajevo, 14-16.10.2015
– Presentation during the Study Trip Visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina for Emerging Leaders, Afganistan, in the framework of the “Emerging Civil Society Leaders Program Afghanistan”, organized by Counterpart International and the YIHR BiH, Sarajevo, 5-14.9.2015
Perfect heroes or ambivalent figures ? The public emergence and representation of rescuers in relation to the Holocaust, Rwanda and the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lecture / workshop at the Youth Event Tuzla 2015, “‘There is always a choice’ – Civil courage in times of war and peace”, organized by Forum ZFD, Post-Conflict Research Center, Omladinski Resursni Centar Tuzla; IPAK-Mladost gradi budućnost, et al., Tuzla, 27-30.8.2015
Are reconciliation and dealing with the past complementary or contradictory processes?
Lecture at the International Summer School “Learning from the past – 20 Years after the Bosnian War: Education for Reconciliation and Lasting Peace in Post-conflict Societies”, organized by the International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo – Srebrenica, 27.6.-8.7.2015
Twenty years after the end of the war: Current challenges in memorialization in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Presentation at the conference “Narrative, Power and Commemoration in Conflicted Societies” organized by the Transitional Justice Institute of the Ulster University, Belfast, 27.4.2015
De la guerre en Bosnie-Herzégovine (1992-1995) aux défis mémoriels des sociétés contemporaines: Comment vivre avec un passé traumatique? (The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995) and memorialization challenges of contemporary societies: How to live with a traumatic past?)
Conference at the Lycée français Jean Mermoz Dakar, Dakar / Senegal, 10.3.2015
La réconciliation, un produit d’importation ? La difficile interaction entre l’international et le local dans le champ de la réconciliation en ex-Yougoslavie (Is it possible to import reconciliation? The difficult interaction between international and local actors in the field of reconciliation in the Yugoslav successor states)
Presentation at the conference “La ‘réconciliation” après les conflits: un ‘savoir-faire’ européen?”, organized by IRICE/University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and the German Historical Institute Paris, Paris, 21.11.2014
Geschichtswissenschaft in Postkonfliktregionen: Die Kriege der 1990er Jahre zwischen Aufarbeitung und Nicht-Aufarbeitung in den Nachfolgestaaten Jugoslawiens (Historiographie in post-conflict-regions: Dealing and not dealing with the wars of the 1990s in the Yugoslav successor states)
Presentation at the Fourth European History Forum, organized by the Heinrich Boell Foundation and Memorial, Berlin, 13-14.11.2014
Nothing but competing memories? The politics of memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lecture at the “Peace and Conflict Studies in the Balkans”-program of the School for International Training (SIT) – Study Abroad, Sarajevo, 26.10.2014
Legacies and memories of the First World War, the Second World War and the break-up wars in Yugoslavia in the Western Balkans today
Presentation at the international seminar “From Sarajevo (1914) to Sarajevo (1992-1996) : Why and how to use Memorials and Museums to teach the history of wars and mass violence in Europe?”, organized by the Historical Museum BiH, Youth Initiative for Human Rights Croatia, Memorial Centar Buchenwald, Historial of the Great War Péronne, French-German Youth Office, Sarajevo, 20-26.10.2014
Aktuelle Herausforderungen für Bosnien und Herzegowina: Ein unbeendeter Krieg, ein paralysiertes politisches System, eine überforderte internationale Gemeinschaft (Current challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina: an unfinished war, a paralyzed political system, an international community without a clue)
Lecture at the international EUNET-conference « Added Value Europe – Added Value Peace”, organized by the Salzbuger Bildungswerk, Bauern Helfen Bauern et al., Srebrenica, 24-29.9.2014
Do we care about the effects of our work? Youth memory projects and the absence of impact-evaluation and –research
Presentation at the Expert Seminar « Youth and Memory: Educating, Engaging, Participating », organized by the Anne Frank House, Amsterdam, 4-6.9.2014
From hostility to cooperation: The French-German relations 1914 – 2014
Lecture at the international youth conference “Mlada Evropa / Young Europe”, organized by the German Embassy in BiH, KULT and the French-German Youth Office, Sarajevo 26.6.-2.7.2014
Die Mutter aller Attentate? Sarajevo 1914, Marseille 1934, Dallas 1963, Twin Towers 2001 (The mother of all assassinations? Sarajevo 1914, Marseille 1934, Dallas 1963, Twin Towers 2001)
Paper presentation at the International conference « The Long Shots of Sarajevo, 1914 – 2014: Events – Narratives – Memories», organized by Vahidin Preljević (University of Sarajevo) and Clemens Ruthner (Trinity College Dublin), Sarajevo, 24.-28.6. 2014
“Will Marseille become another Sarajevo?” The memory of the First World War and its impact on dealing with the European crisis after the assassination of King Alexander in 1934
Paper presentation at the International conference « The Great War: Regional Approaches and Global Contexts » organized by the Institute for History of the University of Sarajevo (Sarajevo), the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (Regensburg) et al., Sarajevo, 19 – 21 June 2014
A Town and its Past: How Sarajevo Remembers the Franz Ferdinand Assassination, the Second World War, the 1984 Olympics and the 1992-1996 siege
Lecture at the London School of Economics Cities Programme / Sarajevo Urban Design Workshop, Faculty of Architecture Sarajevo, 20.5.2014
An integrative symbol for a divided country? The 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics and their 30th anniversary in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Panel presentation at the Conference “Strategies of Symbolic Nation-building in South Eastern Europe”, University of Rijeka, 9.-10.5.2014
Getting out of the war zone? The protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the 1992-1995 war legacies
Keynote speech, International Symposium: “Bosnia and Herzegovina – Culture of Remembrance: Twilight or New Awakening”, International University of Sarajevo, 12.-13.4.2014
“When a man does good…”: The representations of help and rescue in movies about the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Panel presentation at the International Symposium: “Bosnia and Herzegovina – Culture of Remembrance: Twilight or New Awakening”, International University of Sarajevo, 12.-13.4.2014
– Guest Lecture, International Uinversity of Sarajevo / Cultural Studies Program, 19.5.2014
Reconciliation without trials? The dealing with war crimes within the French-German relations, 1945 – today
Lecture at the seminar « War Crimes and Trials », 3rd phase, organized by the FGYO, Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau, DRJSCS Limousin, Local Agency for Democracy Osijek, YIHR Serbia. Paris, 2.4.2014
Deutsch-französische Friedensarbeit – ein Modell für andere? Erfahrungen aus Bosnien und Herzegowina (French-German peace work – a model for others? Experiences from Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Lecture at the Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft Baden-Baden, 1.4.2014
Espaces inaccessibles, monuments impossibles ? Associations de victimes, initiatives citoyennes et artistes face aux restrictions et interdictions mémorielles dans l’espace post-yougoslave (Inaccessible spaces, impossible monuments ? How victim associations, citizen’s initiatives and artists deal with commemorative restrictions and interdictions in the post-Yugoslav countries)
Panel presentation at the conference “Monuments et transition” (Monuments et transition), organized by the Atelier Interdiscplianrie de Recherche (AIR), Geneva, 7.2.2014
Ratna sjećanja u Bosni i Hercegovini : Od nadmetanja do dijaloga? (War memories in Bosnia and Herzegovina: from competition to dialogue?)
Panel presentation at the conference “Kultura sjećanja – istorijski lomovi i savladavanje prošlosti ” (Culture of remembrance – historical braaklines and dealing with the past), organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foudnation and KVART, Prijedor, 29.11.2013
Competing strategies in dealing with competing memories: Bosnia and Herzegovina as mirror of European memorialization challenges?
Panel presentation at the conference “Competing Memories”, organized by University of Amsterdam and the VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 29.10.-1.11. 2013
How to tell “positive stories” in relation with the war? The movie “Circles” from Srdan Golubovic and the memory and cinematographic representation of rescuers in times of war
Panel presentation at the conference “Film, History and Public Memory”, organized by the Queens University Belfast, Derry/Londonderry: Nerve Centre, 3.-4.10.2013
Promoting the memory of the “Righteous” from the Bosnian war 1992-1995: an alternative to the dichotomy of guilt and victimhood?
Panel presentation at the conference “Social construction of guilt and victimhood”, COST Action IS1203: In search of transcultural memory in Europe / Working Group 1 Politics of Memory, Krakow: Jagiellonian University, 16.-18.9.2013
Germany as supermodel for dealing with the past? The use and misuse of experiences from other countries in transitional-justice-processes in the Western Balkans
Panel presentation at the conference “Beyond the One-Size-Fits-All Model of ‘Transitional Justice“, organized by the Goldsmith University of London, Bilbao (Spain): Universidad de Deusto , 28.-30.8. 2013
Odsutan akter? Mjesto i uloga međunarodne zajednice u procesima memorijalizacije u BIH (An absent actor? The place and the role oft he internationalcommunity in memorialization processes in BiH)
Presentation at the panel discussion “Kulture sjećanja u dijalogu”, organized by the Forum ZFD Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 18.6.2013
L’ombre de Sarajevo: l’attentat de Marseille du 9 octobre 1934 et ses consequences pour la France et la Yougoslavie (The shadow of Sarajevo: the assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia in Marseille in 1934 and its consequences for France and Yugoslavia)
Lecture organized by the Cercle Rimbaud, Sarajevo, 18.4.2013
A new memory competition? The memorialization of “forgotten” victim groups, perpetrators and “silent heroes” in Western/Central Europe since the 1990s
Key-note speech at the Culture of Memory Forum “Memories of wars or wars over memories?”, organized by Documenta-Centar for Dealing with the Past and Open Society Foundations, Vukovar, 11.4.2013
The memorialization of Srdjan Aleksic in the countries of the former Yugoslavia: possibilities and difficulties of “positive stories” in divided post-war societies
Lecture at the “Peace and Conflict Studies in the Balkans”-program of the School for International Training (SIT) – Study Abroad, Sarajevo, 24.3.2013
How important are time and timing in memorialization processes?
Lecture at the Seminar on Memorialization of Missing Persons in the Western Balkans, organized by the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), Sarajevo, 21.3.2013
A positive hero for everyone? Challenges and possibilities of creating consensual memory sites in divided post-conflict societies: the memorialization of Srđan Aleksić in the countries of the former Yugoslavia
Panel presentation at the conference “Perspectives in (post)conflict academia and society: Opening spaces for critically assessing and rethinking history and memory”, organizd by the University of Sarajevo and the University of Zurich, Sarajevo, 16.3.2013
War Crimes in Yugoslavia 1941-1945 and 1991-1995 and their judicial treatment: a general overview
Lecture at the seminar “War Crimes and Trials”, organized by the FGYO, Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau, DRJSCS Limousin, Local Agency for Democracy Osijek, YIHR Serbia. Zagreb, 10.3.2013
La mémoire de Louis Barthou et de l’attentat de Marseille en France et en Europe de 1934 à nos jours (The memory of Louis Barthou and of the Marseille murder in France and in Europe from 1934 until today)
Panel presentation at the colloquium for the 150th birthday of Louis Barthou, organized by the association „Louis Barthou 2012“. Pau (France), 19.10.2012
Conflit balkanique ou guerre européenne? La guerre de Bosnie-Herzégovine 20 ans après (A Balkan or a European conflict? The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 years afterwards)
Lecture at the University Paul Valéry Montpellier, organized by ONAC and Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en sciences humaines et sociales (C.R.I.S.E.S.). Montpellier (F), 17.10. 2012
Nazi crimes on trial in Western Germany from 1945 to today – an overview
Lecture at the seminar “War Crimes and Trials”, organized by the FGYO, Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau, DRJSCS Limousin, Local Agency for Democracy Osijek, YIHR Serbia. Dachau, 27.6.2012
Destruction of culture, disintegration, ethnonationalism: BiH as a mirror image of tomorrow’s Europe?
Lecture at the Akademie unter den Bäumen: « Kulturelle Bildung – Integration – Europa », organized by the Stiftung Genshagen, Genshagen, 16.6.2012
(Not) Dealing with the Past in France and Germany post-1945 and in Bosnia and Herzegovina post-1995
Lecture during the “Peace and Conflict Studies in the Balkans”-program of the School for International Training (SIT) – Study Abroad, Sarajevo (BiH), 25.3.2012 and 25.10.2011
The memory of the Shoah in France – evolutions, practices, challenges
Panel presentationat the International School on the Culture of Memory, organized by Documenta and the Institute for Applied History. Zagreb, 16.3.2012
Reconciliation despite or because of oblivion? A case study: The French-German rapprochement since 1945 and the weight of the past
Lecture at the international seminar „How do our societies remember the past?“, organized by the Centar for Nonviolent Action. Sarajevo, 10.3.2012
Memory cultures and politics in Europe since 1945 – a Yugoslav Sonderweg?
Lecture at the seminar „How do our societies remember the past“, organized by the Center for Nonviolent Action. Sarajevo, 10.3.2012
The historical evolution and the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina – an introduction
Lecture at the seminar „Who cares about Europe?“ for students from BiH, France and Germany, organized by the French German Youth Office, AEGEE Mannheim, YIHR BiH, Center Malraux and Ligue de l’Enseignement. Sarajevo, 8.3.2012
The cultures of remembrance in France and Germany since 1945 – a comparison
Lecture at the School of Participative Culture of Remembrance, organized by the YIHR Serbia. Belgrade, 4.3.2012
(Not) Dealing with the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 1995 / Commemorating the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina – evolutions, challenges, blind spots
Lecture at the „School of Participative Culture of Remembrance“ organized by the YIHR Serbia. Belgrade, 4.3.2012.
Memory cultures and memory politics in the Western Balkans since 1945 – a European Sonderweg?
Panel presentationat the regional conference « Kako se sjećamo », organized by ACIPS and the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation BiH. Sarajevo, 15.12.2011
Can memory sites bring conflicting memories together?
Lecture at the second workshop “Dealing with difficult pasts in the Western Balkans and Western Europe”, organized by the YIHR BiH, Documenta, the FGYO and the Centre Malraux. Prijedor (BiH), 19.10.2011
The challenge of reconciliation: evolution and images of French-German relations from 1870 to today
Lecture at the University of Belgrade as part of French-German day, organized by the French and the German embassies in Belgrade in cooperation with the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade and the FGYO. Belgrade (SRB), 24.2.2011
Das Attentat auf den jugoslawischen König Alexander I. am 9. Oktober 1934 in Marseille – ein europäisches Ereignis (The Assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia on October the 9th, 1934 in Marseille – a European Event)
Lecture at the Humboldt-University Berlin as part of the ”Nouvelles Cuisines”-program of the Centre Marc Bloch and the Sonderforschungsbereich 640 of the Humboldt University. Berlin (D), 18.11.2010
Bosnie-Herzégoine 1995-2010 : l’impossible sortie de guerre ? (Bosnia and Herzegovina 1995-2010: Is it impossible to overcome the war?)
Lecture organized by the Centre de la Mémoire d’Oradour-sur-Glane, Limoges (F), 14.6.2010
Dealing with Difficult Pasts, from 1945 to Today – Differences and Similarities between France and Germany
Lecture as part of the worksop “Dealing with difficult pasts in the Western Balkans and Western Europe”, organized by the YIHR BiH, the FGYO and the Centre Malraux. Sarajevo (BiH), 2.6.2010
From Hostility to Cooperation: Examining French-German Relations from the 19th Century to Today through Political Caricatures and Pictures
Lecture at the Information Centar of the Delegation of the European Commission in Macedonia. Organized by the French and the German embassies in Skopje and the FGYO. Skopje, Macedonia, 17.3.2010
Comment résister aux poussées nationalistes en Bosnia and Herzegovina ? (How to Resist the Growth of Nationalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina?)
Lecture at the colloquium « Construire la citoyenneté locale et européenne en Bosnie-Herzégovine », organized by Mir Sada Lyon and « Solidarité Bosnie » Genève. Lyon (F), 29-30.3.2009
Youth and Dealing with the Past in Western and Central Europe
Panel presentation at the international youth conference “The role of youth in peace-building processes,” organized by the Center for Peace Studies in Zagreb. Donja Stubica (HR), 25.3.2009
From Hostility to Cooperation: The Evolution of French-German Relations During the 20th Century and the Means for Reconciliation
Lecture during a study trip organized by the “Zentrum Moderner Orient” for representatives of NGOs and local authorities from Indonesia and Malayisa. Berlin, Germany, 20.11.2006
Jugendarbeit zur Belebung des Weimarer Dreiecks? (Youth Exchange in order to Revitalize the Triangle of Weimar?)
Lecture at a French-German-Polish seminar for young journalists, organized by the Stiftung Genshagen. Genshagen (D), 2.10.2004
40 Jahre Elysée-Vertrag: Die Rolle von Städte- und Regionalpartnerschaften und der sie tragenden gesellschaftlichen Gruppen (40 years of French-German Friendship Treaty: The Role of Twinned Towns and Regions and their Supporting Social Groups)
Lecture at the annual meeting of Twinning Comittee Niedersachsen-Normandie. Hannover (D), 30.5.2003
Interkulturelle Ausbildung als Herausforderung für den deutsch-französischen Austausch (Intercultural Training as a Challenge for French-German Cooperation)
Lecture at the University of Bayreuth, organized by the Chair in Intercultural German Studies. Bayreuth (D), 22.5.2003
Education versus Bildung: quelles différences entre la France et l’Allemagne dans les socialisations et les pratiques éducatives? (Education versus Bildung: Differences in the Socialisation Processes and the Pedagogial Practices between France and Germany)
Lecture at the annual meeting of the CEMEA. Carnon (F), 16.2.2003
Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kooperation als Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Intercultural communication and cooperation as a challenge for economy and society)
Lecture and workshop at the Deutsche Industrie und Handelskammer. Berlin (D), 20.6.2002
Die Schatten des Generals : Was bleibt vom Gaullismus ? (The Shadow of General de Gaulle: What Remains of Gaullism?)
Lecture at the French-German Cultural Institute Aachen as part of the University of Aachen’s “France Today” conference cycle. Aachen (D), 18.11.1999
Oublier Hitler? Les voyages officiels de l’Allemagne fédérale et la mémoire du nazisme (Forgetting Hitler? German State Visits and the Memory of Nazism)
Panel presentation at the conference „Un cérémonial politique: les voyages officiels des chefs d’Etat », organized by the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble. Grenoble (F), 1998
Europäische Visionen: Informations- und Werbestrategien für Europa in Deutschland und in Frankreich (European Visions: Information and Marketing Strategies on Europe in France and in Germany)
Lecture and direction of a workshop as part of the French-German seminar « Europa 2000 – Perspektiven und Verantwortung deutsch-französischer Führungskräfte », organized by the Polytechnic University Darmstadt and the University of Bordeaux. La Clusaz-Manigod (F), 28.2.1997
Europa in der Karikatur (Europe in caricatures)
Lecture at a training session for German Studies professors in France, organized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Nizza (F), 21.10.1995
L’Allemagne face au défi du changement (Germany facing the challenge of change)
Lecture at the annual meeting of the « Association pour le Développement de l’Enseignement de l’Allemand en France ». Voiron (F), 8.10.1994