Trans-European Research and Cooperation

The 9th annual study trip/workshop took place from 22 to 28/9 September 2019 in Albania. “Unbunkering the past: How is Albania dealing with its (communist) history?” was the leading question of the program which combined visits to memory sites in Tirana, Spac, Shkodra, Kruja and Gjirokastra, presentations and discussions with experts and time witnesses, and working sessions within the group.
The study trip/workshop 2019 in Albania was organized by crossborder factory, Youth Initiative for Human Rights Bosnia and Herzegovina, Franco-German Youth Office, Forum ZFD Bosnia and Herzegovina, History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with Cultural Heritage Without Borders Albania, Regional Youth Cooperation Office, Institute for Democracy, Media and Culture, House of Leaves – Museum of Secret Surveillance, Justice & Peace Association, Center for Historical and Anthropological Research, National Museum for Contemporary History of Slovenia, with the support of CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Franco-German Youth Office, Forum ZFD Bosnia and Herzegovina, Regional Youth Cooperation Office, the German Embassy in Albania and the French Embassy in Albania.
The detailled program, the final report and the evaluations by the partcipants can be found here: