Trans-European Research and Cooperation

Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism in Europe

The international project “Wer ist Walter? Resistance against Nazism in Europe” was realized between 2022 and 2024 by crossborder factory, the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, CIFE – Centre international de formation européenne, and the Jasenovac Memorial Site, with the support of the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ)  and the Federal Ministry of […]

Seminar cycle “Places of violence, places of learning” 2020-2022

The seminar cycle “Places of violence, places of learning” is organized by crossborder factory (Berlin), Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial (Hamburg), Memorial of the Montluc Prison (Lyon) and Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania (Tirana), in the framework of the South Eastern Europe Initiative of the Franco-German Youth Office and of Memory Lab. The first seminar took […]

New publication: Promoting ‘Positive Stories’ of Help and Rescue from the 1992-1995 War in Bosnia and Herzegovina. An Alternative to the Dichotomy of Guilt and Victimhood?

In: Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, vol 67, n°4, 2019, 447-475; PDF in open access: DOWNLOAD PDF Abstract: Public discourses about wars and mass violence are often dominated by questions of guilt and victimhood as well as a focus on the figures of ‘perpetrators’ and ‘victims’. This can also be observed concerning the public […]

Memory Lab: The 9th annual study trip /workshop took place in Albania in 2019

The 9th annual study trip/workshop took place from 22 to 28/9 September 2019 in Albania. “Unbunkering the past: How is Albania dealing with its (communist) history?” was the leading question of the program which combined visits to memory sites in Tirana, Spac, Shkodra, Kruja and Gjirokastra, presentations and discussions with experts and time witnesses, and […]

New publication: “Pour une Europe solidaire”: Se mobiliser contre la guerre en Bosnie-Herzégovine, 25 ans plus tard (“For a Europe of solidarity”: mobilising against the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 years later)

In: La Revue Nouvelle, n°5/2019; For online version please FOLLOW THIS LINK During the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 1992 to 1995, numerous individuals and groups in different European countries got engaged to protest against the war and the policy of “ethnic cleansing” and to show solidarity with Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens. […]

New publication: “Enough is enough”: Why and how a Belgian village decided to stop commemorating a massacre from World War One – or did it?

In: Mémoires en jeu / Memories at stake, published online 17.1.2019:  Is there a time to stop commemorating? Two years ago I heard that a village in Belgium, whose population had been massacred by the German Army in 1914, had recently decided to stop the traditional annual commemoration of this massacre. This sounded unusual, […]