Nicolas Moll

Trans-European Research and Cooperation


1. Moderation of / participation in panel discussions and workshops
2. Activities regarding the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans (RYCO)
3. Guided tours
4. Organisation of specific events
5. Teaching
6. Evaluation
7. Organization of youth encounters


Franco-German cultural relations in light of the war in Ukraine: rethinking the narrative?
Participant at a round table discussion, Goethe-Institut Amsterdam, 12.5.2022

“Unsere Opfer, eure Täter” – Erinnerungskultur und Vergangenheitsbewältigung auf dem Balkan [“Our victims, your perpetrators” – Memory culture and dealing with the past in the Balkans]
Participant at a round table discussion, organized by the Südosteuropa Gesellschaft for the opening of the “Balkan-Tage 2022”, Munich, 29.4.2022

Hat Europa weggeschaut? Europäische Solidaritätsarbeit während des Kriegs in Bosnien und Herzegowina 1992-1995 [Did Europe look the other way? European solidarity activities during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995]
Participant at a panel discussion organized by balkan:biro, Berlin, 20.1.2022

Jesmo li izgubili osjećaj  solidarnosti? [Have we lost our sense of solidarity ]
Moderator of a panel discussion organized in the frame of the exhibition „Wake up Europe“, organized by History Museum of BiH, Sararajevo, 16.12.2021

The 1984 Winter Olympics and the Making of Sarajevo
Discussant during the seminar on the book “The 1984 Winter Olympics and the Making of Sarajevo” by Zlatko Jovanovic, organized by the research group “The many roads to modernity” of the Centre for Modern European Studies, University of Copenhagen, 12.11.2021

Traumatic memories
Discussant at the session during the online-conference “Post-Socialist Memory in a Global Perspective: Postcolonialism, Post-transition, Post-trauma”, organized by the working group on Post-Socialist and Comparative Memory Studies – Memory Studies Association Working Group (PoSoCoMeS), 28.9.2020 (

Sehnsucht nach dem “Kommunismus”? [Nostalgia for “communism”?]
Participant at the panel discussion at the Weimarer Rendez-vous mit der Geschichte, Weimar, 2.11.2019

Youth Perspectives in Southeast Europe
Participant at the opening panel discussion of the international workshop „Shaping Young People’s Future in the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe“, organized by Südosteuropa Gesellschaft, Cologne, 5.9.2019

Observing Walls : 1989 – 2019
European remembrance-project organized by the National Museum of Contemporary History in Slovenia, the Berlin Wall Memorial, and the History Musuem of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
– Particpant in the panel dicussion in Ljubljana, 5.3.2019, and in Nova Gorica, 6.3.2019
– Moderator of the panel discussion in Sarajevo, 12.4.2019
AE Sarajevo Plakat
Allons Enfants à Sarajevo
Co-moderation of the literary evening “Allons enfants à Sarajevo” with Oliver Rohe and Pascal Richmann , organized by the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, Sarajevo: Atelje Figure, 19.4.2018
Allons Enfants_EINLADUNG

Reconciliation and overcoming the burden of violence
Participant at the panel discussion at the European Remembrance Symposium 2017, organized by the European Network for Remembrance and Solidarity, Brussels, 6-8 June 2017

How to memorialize Missing Persons?
Participant at the panel discussion at the regional conference “20 Years of Accounting of Missing Persons” organized by the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), Sarajevo, 14-15 June 2016

A la recherche des Balkans : entre Europe et Méditerranée ? Deuxièmes rencontres d’études balkaniques (Looking for the Balkans: between Europe and Mediterranean? Second Balkan Studies Encounters)
– Chair of the panel “Local contexts and sociopolitical reconfigurations”
– Participant in the final panel “Concluding remarks”
Organized by CETOBAC, TELEMMe, LabexMed and other French research institutes, Marseille, 2-4.6.2016

2007 – 2016, dix ans dans les Balkans (2007 – 2016, ten years in the Balkans)
Participant panel discussion organized by the “Courrier des Balkans” at the 10. Balkan Trafik Festival, Brussels, 14-17.4.2016

Who is afraid of history-teaching in museums?
Participant in a panel discussion at the “Meet, See, Do”-2016-Conference of the Balkans Museums Network in Shkodra (Albania), 13-15.4.2016

Divisive history? How can historical topics be addressed in a constructive way in museums
Workshop-moderation at the “Meet, See, Do”-2016-Conference of the Balkans Museums Network in Shkodra (Albania), 13-15.4.2016

Critical examination of NS History from Central European and Eastern European perspectives
Participant in a panel discussion at the conference “History. In the Present. In the Future. International Encounters at historic sites of National Socialism”, organized by and at the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial, 3-5.3.2016

History Books in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia – Different Narratives and Past Adapting
Participant in a panel discussion at the Sarajevo Youth Summit, organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Sarajevo, 14-16.10.2015

The Balkan Example: Did we get stuck in dealing with the past and why?
Participant in a panel discussion at the international conference “Memory, Justice and Reconciliation?!”, organized by the Centar for Non-Violent Action, Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur, Archiv Bürgerbewebgung Leipzig and GIZ – Global Leadership Academy, Sarajevo, 10.-13.6.2015

Reconciliation and dealing with the past: Is silence the price to pay for peace?
Moderation of a round table with Aleksandra Letić (Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska, Bijeljina), Michael Rösch (Pax Christi, Berlin)  and Vesna Terselić (Documenta, Zagreb), Peace Event Sarajevo 2014, Sarajevo 8.6.2014
komsicIvo Komsic, The survived country. Dividing Bosnia and Hercegovina: Who, when, where (Zagreb-Sarajevo, Synopsis, 2013)
Panelist in the promotion of the English edition of the book from Ivo Komsic, Sarajevo: Faculty of Philosophy, 7.11.2013

Conflicting Memories: A Balkan Investigative Reporting Network debate on post-war memorialisation
Moderation of the panel presentations and discussions, organized by BIRN and Balkan Insight, Sarajevo: Historical Museum of BiH, 27.6.2013

Coffee with Eric Toledano and Olivier Nakache, Directors of the movie „Intouchables“
Moderation of a public discussion at the Sarajevo Film Festival. Sarajevo, 10.7.2012
OradourUne vie avec Oradour / Surviving Oradour
Moderation of a discussion with Robert Hébras, survivor of the Oradour massacre, Patrick Séraudie, film-director, and Pascal Plas, historian at the Memorial of Oradour, after the screening of the documentary film “Une vie avec Oradour”, organized by the Centre Malraux and MESS-Modul Memorije, Sarajevo, 17.4.2012

Writing about the war: Authors and their books on the wars in Yugoslavia
Moderation of talks with Alan Little (The death of Yugoslavia), Sefko Hodzić (Bosanski Ratnici), Ivo Komsić (Prezivljena zemlja), Atka Reid (Goodbye Sarajevo), Florence Hartmann (Milosevic, la diagonale du fou), Janine di Giovanni (Madness Visible) and Chuck Sudetic (Blood and Vengeance), organized by the Centre Malraux, Sarajevo, 5-6.4.2012

Monuments and the construction of identity
Moderation of a panel discussion with Jean-Claude Schlumberger (French Ambassador in Macedonia), Gudrun Steinacker (German Ambassador in Macedonia), Frederick Hadley (Historial oft he Great War in Péronne), Salajdin Salihu (publicist and political analyst).Vangel Bozinovski (architect of The Mother Teresa Memorial House in Skopje), organized by the French and the German Embassy in Skopje, the French-German Youth Office, LOJA (Tetovo), the Historial of the Great War Péronne and the Max-Manheimer-Studienzentrum Dachau. Skopje: Information Centar of the European Union, 1.2.2012

New perspectives on European cooperation regarding the teaching of history: a way toward a common history textbook?
Participant in panel discussion during the international conference “History in Action: Preparing for the Future Common Approaches”, organized by the Slovenian Ministry of Education and Sport. Bled, Slovenia, 29.5.2008
interkulturellInterkulturelle Forschungen – ein Beitrag zur Mobilität und Integration in Europa (Intercultural research – a contribution to mobility and integration in Europe)
Moderation of a panel discussion, organized by the French-German Youth Office, with Hagen Kordes, Burkhard Müller, Hans Nicklas, Lucette Colin and Remi Hess, authors of the book entitled “Interkulturell denken und handeln. Theoretische Grundlagen und gesellschaftliche Praxis“ (Campus Verlag 2006). Berlin, 24.9.2006

Transnational Actors and Their Impact in the Balkans
Discussant in a panel discussion at the conference “Transnationalism in the Balkans: The Emergence, Nature and Impact of Cross-National Linkages on an Enlarged and Enlarging Europe”, organized by the London School of Economics. London, 27.11.2004

Weiss Deutschland, was es will ? Deutsche Aussenpolitik zwischen Zurückhaltung und „neuer Verantwortung“ (Do We Know What We Want? German Foreign Policy between Self-effacment and “New Responsibility”)
Moderation of a panel discussion with Karsten D. Voigt and Erik Gujer at Humboldt-University Berlin, conference cycle « Roter Salon ». Berlin, 28.5.1999


RYCO logo

From October 2015 to Summer 2016: Member of the moderation-team of the Franco-German Youth Office for the Working Group for the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) of the Western Balkans, constituted on the basis of the “Joint Declaration on the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans”, signed at the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna, the 27.8.2015, by the Prime Ministers of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
Meetings of the Working Group:
– 23-27 November 2015 in Berlin: First working meeting
– 14-18 December 2015 in Tirana: Second working meeting
– 25-30 January 2016 in Sarajevo: Third working meeting
– 16-20 February 2016 in Belgrade: Fourth working meeting
– 14-17 March 2016 in Paris: Presentation of the proposals to the French government
– 28 June 2016 in Belgrade: Preparation of the road map for the implementation of RYCO after the Paris Summit
– 4 July 2016 in Paris: Meeting in the framework of the Western Balkans Summit in Paris and the signature of the RYCO-Agreement by the six Wetsern-Balkans-governments
– 20 – 23rd September 2016 in Berlin: Evaluation meeting with the members of the Working Group about the RYCO-Working process
Other meetings:
– 27 April 2016 in Belgrade: Working meeting with the diplomatic advisors / chiefs of cabinet of the Western-Balkans-6-governments in order to finalize the documents regarding the establishment of RYCO.
More information:
From summer 2016 to Summer 2017: Member of the Joint-Coordination-Team for the implementation of the RYCO-Agreement
– 1-3 November 2016 in Podgorica: Preparation meeting for the Constitutional Meeting of the RYCO-Governing Board in Tirana on 8th December.
– 8 December 2016 in Tirana: Constitutional meeting of the RYCO-Governing Board
– 8 – 9 December 2016 in Tirana: Boost-Conference with potential partners of RYCO and representatives of youth organisations
– 27 January 2017 in Tirana: Second Meeting of the RYCO-Governing Board
– 20-23 March 2017 in Berlin: Third Meeting of the RYCO-Governing Board, in combination with the conference “Thinking the future of RYCO in the Western Balkans and in Wider Europe”
– 15-16 May 2017 in Tirana: Fourth Meeting of the RYCO-Governing Board
– 8-13 July 2017 in Ljubljana and Trieste: First RYCO-youth-seminar, in combination with the Western Balkans Summit in Trieste
More information:
Since Summer 2017: Consultant for the RYCO-Secretariat
– 21-26 August 2017 in Kolasin (Montenegro): Co-moderation of the capacity-building-seminar for the RYCO Secretariat
– 4-8 December 2017 in Berlin: Co-organziation and co-moderation of the study visit for employees of RYCO “Organizing intercultural youth work: practices, experiences, challenges” and of the working meeting for youth researchers from South Eastern Europe and for employees of RYCO on the topic “Intercultural Youth Work and Research”
– 22 January 2018: Participation at the joint visit of the Minister of Civil Affairs Bosnia and Herzegovina, the German Ambassador in BiH and the French Ambassador in BiHat the premisses of the Local Branch Office of RYCO in Sarajevo (
– 20-22 March 2018: Moderation of a workshop “Yes we can? Is RYCO a game-changer?” at the “RYCO-Strategic Dialogues” in Skopje
– 7-11 May 2018: RYCO Pilot Capacity Building – Training of Grantees in the framework of the Call for Proposals “A Better Region Starts with YouTh”, Podgorica, Member of the Trainer-Team
– 2018 – February 2019: Coordinator of the participatory-observation-research-project “Constructively dealing with the past” in the framework of RYCO youth exchange projects, Podgorica, organized by RYCO, crossborder factory and the Franco-German Youth Office
– 15-18 July 2019: Coordinator of the expert working meeting “Constructively Dealing with the Past within RYCO youth exchange”, Sarajevo, organized by RYCO, crossborder factory, Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Memory Lab and the Franco-German Youth Office, with the support of the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs
– 12-14 September 2019: “Enhancing quality. Maximizing Impact.” 2nd Regional Capacity Building Training of Grantees in the framework of the Second Call for RYCO projects, Podgorica, Member of the Trainer-Team
– February 2019 – December 2020: Consultant for the research and publication project “Youth in the Balkans: Their Cultures of Communication and Non-Communication, and their Notions of Reconciliation”, organized by RYCO, the Franz Vranitzky Chair for European Studies of the University of Vienna, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Publication in December 2020 of the magazine „A better region starts with YOUth“:

More information:


– Historical Sites in Sarajevo: Vraca Memorial Park and Jewish Cemetery
4.7.2022: For the participants of the Lingvisti – Summer School
24.8.2019: For a group from Aktion Sühnezeichen
15.8.2019: For the participants of the KUMA International Architecture Week
26.4.2019: For participants of the conference of the “European Society for Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies”
– Monuments and historical sites in the centar of Sarajevo
19.9.2022: For a group of teachers from Denmark druing their study visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina
21.5.2021: For a groupe of young journalists and activists from the Western Balkans, during a seminar organized by the association “Forgotten Children of War” and Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina
10.8.2020: For the participants of the KUMA International Summer School on Contemporary Art and of the WARM Academy
10.7.2019: For the participants of the KUMA International Summer School on Contemporary Art
16.4.2019: For the partcipants of the Long Island University – study program in Bosnia and Herzegovina
18.2.2019: For representatives of country-offices of Forum Civil Peace Service (Forum ZFD)
– History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina and surroundings:
14.11.2021, 22.11.2021, 17.12.2021: For a delegation of the European Parliament, for the particpants of the “Dealing with the past”-program organized by Sarajevo Film Festival and Friedrich Ebert Foundation SEE, and for a group from the International French School in Sarajevo: exhibtion “Wake up, Europe! Support and solidarity mobilisations with Bosnia and Hrezgovina and its citizens during the 1992-1995 war”
8.5.2019: For the participants of the study visit to memory sites in the Western Balkans, organized by Institute fpr Democracy, Media and Culture (Albania)
– Former trenchees of the 1992-1995-war on Grdonj-hill:
8.4.2019: For Belgian and Dutch memory-professionals, in the framework of a study trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by Kazerne Dossin and History Mmuem of Bosnia and Heregovina

22.9.2018: Historical sites in Sarajevo : Vraca Memorial Park, Jewish Cemetery and Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, for a group of students of History and Ethnology from the University of Augsburg in the framework of a study trip to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
12.5.2018: Visit of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a group of students from the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec in the framework of their study trip “(Ex-)Yugoslavia Revisited”
11.4.2018: Historical sites in the centar of Sarajevo, for a group from the Katholische Sozialakademie Österreich in the frame of the training course “Soziale Verantwortung. Gestaltungskompetenz für den gesellschaftlichen Wandel”
10.9.2017: Memory sites related to the siege of Sarajevo 1992-1995 (former frontlines on Grdonj, Jewish cemetery, city centar), for the participants of the Summer School “History takes places – Dynamics of urban change”, Belgrade and Sarajevo, 4
15.9.2017, organized by the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius and the Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung
9.9.2017: Historical sites in the centar of Sarajevo, for a delegation from the Barcelona Youth Council, in the framework of a study visit in Sarajevo organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH
19.10.2016: Memory sites related to the 1992-1995-war and the Second World War in the centar of Sarajevo, for a group of students from Cornell College, Iowa, USA, during their study abroad class in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina
21.8.2016: Memory sites related to the 1992-1995-war and the Second World War in the centar of Sarajevo, for Markus Meckel, President of the “Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge” and prof. Stefan Troebst, University of Leipzig
12.7.2016: Vraca Memorial Park and Jewish Cemetery in Sarajevo in the framework of the international conference “Trauma, Memory and Healing in the Balkans and beyond”, organized by the TPO Foundation, Sarajevo, 12-14.7.2016
24.6.2016: Guided visit to the Kazani-pit on the Trebevic-mountain (Sarajevo) for a group of students from the 2016 International Summer School “Learning from the past” organized by the International University Sarajevo
7.3.2016: Centar of Paris with memory sites related to World War Two and the war in Algeria, for a group of students from France, Germany, Kosovo and Serbia in the framework of the international seminar “Justice without reconciliation? War crimes and trials in Europe since 1945”, Paris and Limoges, 6-13.3.2016
17.11.2015: Centar of Sarajevo and History Museum of BiH for a group of students from Macedonia, in the framework of a study trip to Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, organized by LOJA-Centar for Balkan Cooperation, and KURVE Wustrow
12.-20.9.2015: Guided tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo, Travnik, Jajce, Prijedor, Banja Luka, Tesanj, Doboj, Tuzla, Bijambare, Visegrad, Tjentiste, Trebinje, Neum, Stolac, Blagaj, Mostar) for a group of members from the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, organized by the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (Munich)
7.9.2015: Centar of Sarajevo for a group of NGO-representatives from Afghanistan, in the framework of the “Emerging Civil Society Leaders Program Afghanistan”, organized by Counterpart International and the YIHR BiH
14.5.2015: Vraca Memorial Park, Jewish Cemetery and memory sites in the centar of Sarajevo for a group of students of Architecture from the Trinity College Dublin and of Architecture, History and Art History from the University of Sarajevo (in cooperation with Historical Museum of BiH)
20.4.2015: Memory sites in the centar of Sarajevo for a group of representatives of the “European Sites of Conscience Network” (in cooperation with YIHR BiH)
4.4.2015: Memory sites in the centar of Sarajevo for a group of students and activists from Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina (in cooperation with YIHR BiH)
30.10.2014: Vraca Memorial Park and memory sites in Pale and in Sarajevo for a group of representatives of the International Commission on Missing Persons and the Regional Coordination of Families of Missing Persons (in cooperation with ICMP)
21.10.2014: Vraca Memorial Park and memory sites in the centar of Sarajevo for a group of history teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France and Germany (in ccoperation with French-German Youth Office)
21.09.2014: Vraca Memorial Park and memory sites in the centar of Sarajevo for a group of history teachers from Switzerland (in cooperation with Historical Museum of BiH)
14.3.2014: Memory sites in the centar of Sarajevo for a group of the NGO “Healing through Remembrance” (Northern Ireland) (in cooperation with YIHR BiH)
13.8.2013: Vraca Memorial Park and memory sites in Pale and in the centar of Sarajevo for a group of students from Sarajevo and East-Sarajevo (in ccoperation with Anne Frank House Amsterdam and YIHR BiH)


Exhibition “Wake up Europe! Support and solidarity mobilisations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens, 1992-1995”, 2021/2
A project of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with Memory Lab, with the support of the  Goethe Institute BiH  and the French Institute in BiH
During the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1992-1995, numerous initiatives arose in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, the Czech Republic and other European countries, and citizens, NGOs, informal groups and artists articulated support and solidarity with Bosnia and Herzegovina and its citizens in various ways. The aim of this project is to provide general information about forms, activities and actors of the support and solidarity movements with Bosnia and Herzegovina in Europe during the 1992-1995 war and to illustrate them concretely using individual examples. By increasing awareness and knowledge of this little-known but important chapter in recent European history, the exhibition is also intended to stimulate the discussion for today: What can we do today to show solidarity with people and societies that are experiencing war or other crisis situations?
The exhibition was opened at the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo on 20 October 2021 and stayed there until 18 December 2021. I was part of the organising team and was in charge of the historical research, finding the documents and writing the accompanying texts. In 2022, the exhibtion was shown, in an adapted form, in Berlin (with support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Goethe Institute), in Strasbourg (with support of the Franco-German Youth Office and the municipality of Strasbourg) and in Barcelona (in cooperation with EUROM and the City Coucil of Barcelona).

Youth for Peace – 100 years after Wolrd War One, 100 Ideas for Peace
International Yoith Meeting, organized by Franco-German Youth Office, Berlin, 14-18.11.2018: Member of the pedgagogical team
hesselManuels de survie pour traverser les catastrophes (Survival Guide to Get Through Catastrophies)
Co-organization of a panel discussion with Stéphane Hessel, Zdravko Grebo, Cynthia Fleury and Pierre Zaoui. Organized by the Centre André Malraux as a part of the 11th European Cultural Gatherings in Sarajevo. Sarajevo, 11.12.2010

Karambolage – über das Kunststück des Dialogs zweier Kulturen und Sprachen (Karambolage – the art of dialogue between two cultures and two languages)
Presentation of the ARTE TV program “Karambolage” by Claire Doutriaux. Coordination of the event, organized by the French and German embassies in Sarajevo, the FGYO and the Centre Malraux. Sarajevo, 31.3.2010
stolacLes jardins de Stolac, jardins de l’Europe (The Gardens of Stolac, Garden of Europe)
Cultural and landscape planning – activities, organized by the Centre Malraux. Member of the Organizational Team. Stolac, 19.7. – 9.8.2009 and 16. – 30.7.2010

10èmes et 11èmes Rencontres Européennes du Livre de Sarajevo (10th and 11th European Literature Gatherings in Sarajevo)
Organized by the Centre Malraux Sarajevo. Member of the organizational team. Sarajevo, December 2009 and December 2010


Die postjugoslawischen Kriege der 1990er Jahre in ihrem europäischen Kontext: Ursachen, Verlauf, Nachwirkungen [The Post-Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s in their European Context: Causes, Development, Aftermath]
Seminar at the Institute for History at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, winter semester 2021/2
Die postjugoslawischen Kriege der 1990er Jahre waren die ersten offenen Kriege auf europäischem Boden seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, und doch spielen sie in Diskursen zur neuesten europäischen Geschichte oftmals nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. Dabei waren sie einschneidende Ereignisse nicht nur für die Gesellschaften des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens, sie konfrontierten das gesamte Europa, von den Regierungen zum gewöhnlichen Bürger, mit der Frage, wie man sich gegenüber der Gewalt in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft verhalten wolle. Das Seminar setzt sich mit den Ursachen und dem Verlauf der Kriege in Slowenien (1991), Kroatien (1991-1995), Bosnien und Herzegowina (1992-.1995) und Kosovo (1998/9) auseinander, was sie für die betroffenen Menschen und Gesellschaften bedeuteten, und wie sie bis heute nachwirken. Eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt der Frage, welche Rolle Regierungen und Bürgerinnen und Bürger im restlichen Europa im Laufe dieser Kriege spielten, sowie der Frage, wieso so viele in Europa so wenig über diese Kriege wissen.

Sprache und Politik (Language and Politics)
Weekly seminar for graduate students at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. Paris, 1995-1996

Deutschland auf dem Weg nach Europa 1945 bis heute (Germany and Its Way to Europe from 1945 to Today)
Weekly seminar for graduate students at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. Paris, 1993-1994 and 1994-1995

sciences po

Deutschland – Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur (Germany – History, Politics, Economy, Society, Culture)
Weekly seminar for undergraduate students at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. Paris, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1994-1995, 1995-1996

Die politische Kultur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (The Political Culture of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Weekly seminar for graduate students at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. Paris, 1992-1993


Coordination and Monitoring of a Self-Evaluation by the NGO “Bolje Sutra” in Tuzla
In cooperation with CCFD-Terre Solidaire. Sarajevo and Tuzla, June-November 2008, Final report from November 2008

Die pädagogischen Mitarbeiter des DFJW bei den Jugendorganisationen in Frankreich und Deutschland: Persönliches Profil, Aktivitäten, Zusammenarbeit mit dem DFJW – (The Pedagogical Associates of the French-German Youth Office in the Youth Organizations in France and Germany: Personal Profile, Activities, Cooperation with the FGYO)
Conducted a study for the FGYO, based on the evaluation of questionnaries of the pedagogical associates of FGYO, September- November 2007. Report from November 2007.

Evaluation Internationaler Jugendbegegnungen (Evaluation of International Youth Encounters)
Member of the project team that developed evaluation procedures for organizers of international youth encounters. Organized by the French-German Youth Office, the German-Polish Youth Office, the Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung and the project “Freizeitenevaluation”. Paris-Berlin-Warsaw, 2005-2007.  Development of the CD-Rom“Youth and Europe”, published by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (German Federal Centre of Political Education) in 2007

30 Jahre deutsch-französische Jugendarbeit: Erfahrungen, Perspektiven und Neuorientierungen für interkulturelle Ausbildung und Begegnungen jenseits der Jahrtausendwende (30 Years of the French-German Youth Exchange: Experiences, Perspectives and New Directions for Intercultural Education and Encounters in the 21st Century)
Member of the coordination team for a research project on French-German youth encounters, organized by the „Gesellschaft für übernationale Zusammenarbeit“/ „Bureau International de Liaison et de Documentation“ in cooperation with the universities of Paris III, Strasburg, Köln, Giessen, Trier and Osnabrück. May 1998 – September 1999

B.I.L.D./GÜZ: Comment prépaper l’avenir? (How to prepare for the future?)
Member of the commission of the “Bureau International de Liaison et de Documentation” and the “Gesellschaft für übernationale Zusammenarbeit” to develop a strategy for the development and strengthening of both organizations. Decembar 1998 – November 1999, final report November 1999.


Co-direction of French-German Youth Encounters, organized by B.I.L.D. and the Gesellschaft für übernationale Zusammenarbeit:  Vichy (F), summers of 1988 and 1989; Langholz (D), summers of 1990 and 1991

Co-direction of  youth camps, organized by the Stadtjugendring Rottweil, as part of the town twinning betweenRottweil (D) and Hyères (F). Hyères, summers of 1985, 1986 and 1987