Nicolas Moll

Trans-European Research and Cooperation

PUBLICATIONS 1990 - 1999

Der Blick des Nachbarn über den Rhein (Views of the neighbor accross the Rhine)
In: Dokumente . Zeitschrift für den deutsch-französischen Dialog, 6/1998, 465-470
Presentation of four new books about Germany published in France.

ceremonialOublier Hitler ?  Les voyages officiels de l’Allemagne fédérale et la mémoire du nazisme (Forgetting Hitler ? State visits of Federal Germany and the memory of national-socialism)
in : Jean-William Dereymez / Olivier Ihl / Gérard Sabatier (Hg.), Un cérémonial politique : les voyages officiels des chefs d’Etat, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1998, 293-315.
When the Federal Republic of Germany started in the 1950s to organize state visits with other countries, the memories of the Third Reich and the Second World War were very vivid. The question of to what extent and how to address these memories represented an important challenge for the organizers of the visits. The article analyzes the difficult management of the memories of the National-socialist past by Western Germany in the framework of the state visits organized by its government from the 1950s to the 1990s.

documents«C’est ça le grand nouveau départ ?» Comment l’Allemagne vit un changement qui ne semble pas en être un et qui pourrait s’avérer beaucoup plus profond que beaucoup ne l’imaginent  (« And this is the new big start ? » How Germany lives a changement which doesn’t look like one and which could be much deeper than many think)
in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  5 /1998, 83-90
An analyzis of the situation and atmosphere after the establishment of the new « red-green » government in Germany in fall 1998 : will nothing move or will the new situation lead to important changements in Germany?

Soulèvement contre Karlsruhe. Quelle importance faut-il attribuer aux attaques récentes contre la Cour Constitutionnelle Fédérale ? (Revolt against Karlsruhe : which importance to attribute to the attacks on the Federal Constitutional Court? )
in:  Documents. Revue des questions allemandes, 1 /1997, 15-22
After several decisions on sensitive topics, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany has been the target of heavy attacks by parts of the political elite and the pubic opinion. What do these attacks mean for the political culture of Germany?

Peurs allemandes (German fears)
Coordination of a special dossier in Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  5 / 1997
Under the name of Philippe Caré:

Ne plus faire peur, ne plus avoir peur de la peur: La société allemande aujourd’hui et sa nouvelle approche de la peur
(Not to scare others, not be afraid of the fear: the German soceity today and ist new approach of fear), in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  5 / 1997, 9-11

„We Germans fear God and otherwise nothing on earth“ said German Chancellor Bismarck in 1888;  „Let’s have the courage to be afraid“ writes Günter Anders in the 1980s: a deep change characterizes the dominant approaches of fear in the German society in the 20th century.

«Au secours, l’Allemagne revient !» La peur allemande de l’Allemagne  (« Protect us from ourselves ! » German fears about Germany)

in : Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  5 /1997, 56-60
The question, “Do we have to be afraid of Germany?” is a question which is not only frequently asked in France and other countries, but also in Germany itself: do we have to be afraid of ourselves?

« Pas d’expérimentations ! » La peur du changement et l’obsession de la stabilité en Allemagne fédérale („No experiments!“ The fear of changement and the obsession of stability in Germany)

in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  5 /1997, 73-79
The article gives examples and explanations to the question of why the fear of changeand the cult of stability are so strong in the German political culture.

Pourquoi la France ne fait pas peur à l’Allemagne (Why Germany is not afraid of France)

in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes, 5 /1997, 87-90
While the fear of Germany often played an important role in France during the 20th century, why was Germany rarely afraid of France?

Les Verts et la guerre. Le réalisme continue de progresser dans le parti de Joschka Fischer (The Greens and the war. Realism continues to progress in the parrty of Joschka Fischer)

in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  5 /1995, 104-107
The article speaks about the rivalry between « realists » and « fundamentalists » in the Green Party in Germany and how the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina—as well as the controversy about a military intervention—contributed to change the Green party.

L’Allemagne – histoire, politique, économie, société, culture (Germany – History, Politics, Economy, Society, Culture)

Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, 1995
Realization of a study book for first year students at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po) with information and learning exercices about Contemporary Germany.

Deutschland erfahren – l’Allemagne à Sciences Po (Experiencing Germany – Germany at the Institut for Political Studies in Paris)

Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, 1994-1995
Guide for students at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris about offers and possibilities regarding their studies on Germany (classes, conferences and learning possibilities at the IEP; preparation for the exams ; internships, study visits and studies in Germany; …)

Ces trois Allemagnes qui n’en font qu’une (These three Germanies which are one)

in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  3 /1994, 5-14
After the unification from 1990, in which direction will and should Germany go? The country seems to be hesitating concerning this question; as a matter of fact, three different positions articulate themselves in the same time: A Germany which refuses any changement, a Germany which is aware that things are changing and which is worried about it, and a Germany which asks for necessary change. How can these three Germanies live together?
With Xavier Gautier:

L’Allemagne qui bouge – une nouvelle rubrique (Germany in movement – a new column in „Documents“)
in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  3 /1994,  4
Presentation of a new column in  « Documents » : To what extent is Germany changing since the reunification in 1990? Germany is moving – but in which direction? The new column gathers articles analyzing ongoing evolutions in reunified Germany.

Traîtres ou héros ? L’Allemagne fédérale face au 20 juillet 1944  (Traitors or heroes? Western Germany and the 20th July 1944)

in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  2 /1994, 90-96
Available online as PDF: DOWNLOAD PDF
After the failed assassination attempt against Hitler on July 20th, 1944, its organizers were persecuted and stigmatized as traitors by the authorities of the Third Reich. This article describes how this stigma continued to prevail in Western Germany after the end of the war and analyzes the slow evolution of the attitudes since the 1950s in Western Germany towards the persons who committed the assassination attempt.
Nota: An error has slipped in the first line of the article: it must say “20 juillet 1953” and not “20 juillet 1954”

Interkulturalität und Landeskunde im Unterricht. Vorstellung eines Unterrichtsdossiers zu den deutsch-französischen Beziehungen (Interculturalism and Cultural studies: presentation of a lesson on the French-German relations)

in: Nouveaux Cahiers d’allemand 2/1994, 187-194.
Through one concrete example the two following questions are discussed : What can be the aim of  Cultural studies – lessons which define themselves as “intercultural”? And how can such lessons be conceived?

Quelle identité pour ARTE ? (Which identity for ARTE ?)

in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  1 /1993, 27-30
ARTE was created in 1992 as a “European Cultural TV channel” out of a common French-German initiative. The article analyzes the difficulties of the new TV channel to find a coherent identity between France and Germany and between two different cultures of television.
With Andreas Boschen:

Das Bild des anderen. Und wie es sich bei Jugendbegegnungen verändert (The perception of the other. And how it changes during youth encounters)
In: Dokumente – Zeitschrift für den deutsch-französischen Dialog, 2/1993, 12-15
To what extent does international youth exchange contribute to the evolution of perceptions of the other country? The article presents the results of an inquiry realized in French-German youth encounters in the  summer of 1992.

Cahiers d’allemand – Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (German exercise books – Institute for Political Sciences in Paris)

Realization of 42 exercise books with information on Contemporary Germany linked with language exercices for students of the “Institut d’Etudes Politques“ of Paris, 1992-1996

L’Allemagne de nos obsessions. Dans l’imaginaire français, le match France-Allemagne relancé  (The Germany of our obsessions. The rivalry between France and Germany reborn in French public opinion)
in: Documents. Revue des questions allemandes,  2 /1990, 11-18
An analysis of the reactions in France after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and how old images, feelings and obsessions about Germany are articulated in a new way in the French press.

Le pouvoir colonial et sa symbolique: Le Centenaire de l’Algerie française en 1930 (The colonial power and ist symbolism:  The commemoration and celebration of 100 years of French Algeria in 1930)

Mémoire de Maitrise, Université Aix-en-Provence / Institut d’Histoire des Pays Outre-Mer, October 1989.
In 1930, the French colonial power extensively celebrated the 100th anniversary of the conquest of Algeria. This Master‘s thesis analyzes how the French colonial power within Algeria used these celebrations and commemorations to strenghten the place of „French Algeria“ between Metropolitan France on the one hand and the Muslim population in Algeria on the other.