Trans-European Research and Cooperation


Organization and direction of seminars, training, study trips, congresses, workshops…

1. Since 2007 (as deputy director of the Centre Malraux (2009-2010) and as free-lance trainer):

memory lab logoMemory Lab – Trans-European Exchange Platform on History and Remembrance (named until 2012: “Dealing with difficult pasts in the Western Balkans and Western Europe – Platform for trans-European exchange and cooperation”)
General coordination of the platform, initiated by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH, Documenta-Centar for Dealing with the past, the French-German Youth Office and the Centre Malraux Sarajevo


Why the past matters?
Direction of a workshop at the „Dealing with the past / In youth eyes“-program druing the Sarajevo Film Festival 2022, Sarajevo, 13.8.2022, organized by Sarajevo Film Festival and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe in cooperation with Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), Forum Civil Peace Service – forum ZFD and USAID project PRO-Future.

What does the war in Ukraine mean for our memory work?
Organisation and moderation of a Memory Lab workshop – online, 8.5.2022

Wake up Europe? Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992, Ukraine 2022: Young people and their contribution to international solidarity in times of war
Organisation and direction of a workshop, Berlin 7.4.2022 and Strasbourg 23.6.2022, organised by crossborder factory, CIFE and The Balkan Forum, with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office

Die postjugoslawischen Kriege in den 1990er Jahren [The post-Yugoslav wars in the 1990s]
Direction of a workshop during a youth seminar organized by Denkort Bunker Valentin and Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Haus der Wannseekonferenz, Zagreb, 9-16.4.2022

Outbreak of war memories? Historical analogies of the 1990s wars in discourses about the coronavirus pandemic in South Eastern Europe
Direction of a workshop at the „Dealing with the past“-program druing the Sarajevo Film Festival 2021, Sarajevo, 16.8.2022, organized by Sarajevo Film Festival and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe, in cooperation with RYCO and Forum ZFD

Citizens’ commitment and transnational solidarity in Europe at the turn of the 1990s: from Poland to Bosnia-Herzegovina
Co-organization and moderation of an International Workshop, INALCO Paris, 1.7.2021, organized by the Centre de recherche Europes-Eurasie (CREE – INALCO) in collaboration with Memory Lab (Sarajevo)
Program as pdf

Challenges in building Memorials : Trnopolje and international examples
Direction of a workshop at Most Mira – Project on Peacebuilding 2021, Prijedor, 13.8.2021

Places of violence, places of learning
Co-organization and moderation of a Franco-German-Albanian seminar cycle for educators, memorial / museum staff, youth workers and other interested persons, organized by crossborder factory, Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial, Memorial of the Montluc Prison and Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania, in the framework of the SEE Initiative of the Franco German Youth Office and of Memory Lab.
1st seminar: 19.-23.10. 2020 in Hamburg (online) ; 2nd seminar: 23-29.10.2022 in Albania ; 3rd seminar planned for 2023 in Lyon/France.
More info:

“Don’t know much about history…”: The challenges we are facing when dealing with the past in South Eastern and Western/Central Europe
Co-organization and moderation of the “10 years – Memory Lab – Forum” (online), organized by crossborder factory, Forum ZFD BiH and the History Museum Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, 16-18 September 2020.
More info:

Learning lessons from a violent past for a peaceful future
Co-organization and moderation of a seminar cycle for history teachers, educators and museum professionals, organized by the Forum ZFD Bosnia and Herzegovina, the History Museum Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Foundation of Les Milles Camp, and the Buchenwald Memoria, with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office.
1st seminar: 30.9.-6.10.2018, Sarajevo and Mostar; 2nd seminar: 2.-8.6.2019, Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, 3rd seminar: 4.-10.11.2019, Buchenwald, Weimar and Erfurt
More info:

1918-2018: Building peace – lessons from World War One
Youth seminar Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Sarajevo 7-13.11.2018, organized by YIHR BiH and Forum ZFD BiH, in cooperation with the Embassy of Germany in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Embassy of France in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mission du Centenaire: coordination and moderation

“Wake up Europe, Sarajevo Calling” – Connecting Local History and International Perspectives
Co-organization and moderation of a Memory Lab-workshop, organized by the History Museum Bosnia and Herzegovina, crossboder factory and the Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft
Sarajevo, 26-29 June 2017
More info:

Justice without reconciliation? War Crimes and Trials in Europe since 1945
Co-organization and co-direction of a seminar cycle for students from France, Germany, Serbia and Kosovo. Organized by Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau, ALTEA France, Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia, Humanitarian Law Centar Kosovo, Community Building Mitrovica and the Franco-German Youth Office.
1st phase: Dachau, München, Ludwisgburg and The Hague, 3 – 11.11.2015
2rd phase: Paris and Limoges, 6 – 13.3.2015
3rd phase: Belgrade and Pristina, 25.10 – 2.11.2016
Info Sheet Seminar WarCrimeTrials 2015 2016

“Talking about Kazani”: Presentation of my study “Sarajevo’s most known public secret”: Dealing with Caco, Kazani and crimes committed against Serbs in besieged Sarajevo, from the war until 2015″, discussion and visit of the Kazani-site on Trebevic-mountain
– In cooperation with Humanity in Action BiH, 16.8.2015
– In cooperation with Forum ZFD BiH, 17.10.2015
– In cooperation with Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH, 21. and 22.10.2015, 9.11.2016:

Do visits of Memorials promote international understanding? Assessing international youth encounters
Co-direction of a workshop during the annual seminar of Memorial Centars of Germany, organized by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau, KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau, Stiftung Topographie des Terrors,  in cooperation with the Arbeitskreis Gedenkstättenpädagogik, Dachau – Munich, 18.-20.6.2015

How to deal with difficult history in international youth encounters?
Direction of a workshop organized at the conference organized by the French-German Youth Office for the 15th anniversary of the South-Eastern Europe Initiative of the FGYO, Sarajevo, 7.-12.6.2015

Memorialization as a challenge
Direction of a workshop organized at and by the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), Sarajevo, 30.-31.10.2014

From Sarajevo (1914) to Sarajevo (1992-1996) : Why and how to use Memorials and Museums to teach the history of wars and mass violence in Europe?
Co-organization and co-direction of a seminar cycle for history students and teachers from BiH, Croatia, France and Germany. Organized by the Historical Museum BiH, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Croatia, the Memorial Centar Buchenwald, the Historial of the Great War Péronne and the French-German Youth Office
First phase: Sarajevo, Prijedor, Donja Gardina, Jasenovac, 20. – 26.10. 2014
Second phase in France and third phase in Germany planned for 2015
Seminar 20 – 26.10.2014 Program Participants

War Crimes and Trials – Judicial, political and societal implications of war crime trials in Europe
Co-organization and co-direction of a seminar cycle for students from France, Germany, Croatia and Serbia. Organized by the French-German Youth Office (FGYO), Berlin/Paris, Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau, DRJSCS  Limousin,  Agency for Local Democracy Osijek, Youth Initiative for Human Rights Belgrad.
First phase: Dachau, Nürnberg  München, The Hague, 25.6. – 4.7. 2012
Second phase: Zagreb, Jasenovac, Osijek, Vukovar, Belgrade, 10.-16.3.2013
– Third phase: Paris and Limoges, 30.3.-5.4.2014 in France

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Politics, Society, Media
Organization of a study visit for students of the Electronic Media School Babelsberg, Sarajevo, 17-20.3.2014

Transitional Justice in BiH
Organisation of a study visit for Christian Chartier and Pascal Plas from COJITE (Centre d’observation de la Justice Internationale et Transitionnnelle) at the University of Limoges (F) in Sarajevo, 16.-19.4.2012

Challenges of dealing with the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organisation of a study visit for Luc Lévy and Alban Perrin, heads of the Interntional and of the Training Department at Memorial de la Shoah in Paris, to Sarajevo and Srebrenica, 10-13.4.2012.

Who Cares About Europe?
Co-organization / co-direction  of  a training program for Europe-activists from BiH, France and Germany, organized by the French German Youth Office, European Students’ Forum (AEGEE), Mannheim (D), the Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH, the Centar Malraux (BiH) and Ligue de l’Enseignement (F).
First phase: Saverne and Starsbourg (F), 5. – 12.5.2011
– Second phase: Sarajevo and Mostar (BiH), 7.-14.3.2012

Exploring Trnopolje
Organisation of a visit for Volkhard Knigge, Director of the Buchenwald-Memorial, in Prijedor/Trnopolje and meeting with survior associations. Prijedor, 10.11.2011

Why Europe?
Co organization / co-direction of  a study trip for NGO-representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by the CCFD-Terre Solidaire and the Centre Malraux.  Paris, Péronne, Strasbourg, 6.-11.6. 2011

Media in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Organization of a study visit for students of the Electronic Media School Babelsberg, Sarajevo, 7-10.3.2011

Study trip to Dachau and München for representatives of memory-initiatives from BiH
Co-organization with the Max-Mannheimer-Studienzentrum Dachau, in cooperation with the Centar Malraux Sarajevo. Dachau and München (D), 7.-11.2.2011,1578/

Let’s Build a Common Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina! A European Forum Bringing Together Civil Society Actors from Bosnia and Herzegovina and all over Europe and Committed to a Citizen-based Bosnia and Herzegovina
Co-organization / co-direction of the forum in the name of the Centar Malraux, in conjuction with the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in BiH, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH, and CCFD-Terre solidaire. Sarajevo (BiH), 14-16.4.2010

What  Can I Do? – Young People in Their Society and What They Can Do to Face Global and Local Challenges
Co-organization / co-direction of a training program for students from BiH, France and Germany. Organized by the Europäischen Jugendbildungs- und Jugendbegegnungsstätte Weimar (D), Direction Départementale de Jeunesse et Sport Limoges (F), Orhideja, Stolac (BiH), Centar Malraux (BiH) and the French-German Youth Office
First phase: Weimar (D), 31.1. – 7.2.2010
– Second phase: Stolac (BiH), 19.- 26.7.2010
Third phase: Limoges (F), 26.9. – 3.10.2011

Between Remembering and Forgetting: How We Deal with Sites of Difficult Memories in Europe
Co-organization / co-direction of a seminar for students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, France and Germany. Organized by the Centre de la Mémoire d’Oradour, DDJS Limousin, Jugendgästehaus Dachau, IPAK Tuzla, Centre Malraux Sarajevo and the FGYO.
First phase: Limoges and Oradour-sur-Glane (F), 25.10.-1.11.2008
Second phase: Dachau (D), 29.11. – 6.12.2008
– Third phase: Tuzla, Srebrenica and Sarajevo (BiH), 22-29.5.2009

Political changes in the Balkans: New Challenges for the International Youth Exchange?
Co-organization / co-direction of a cooperation and training seminar as part of the South Eastern Europe Initiative of the FGYO. Skopje, Macedonia, 22.– 27.11.2008

2. 2001-2007 (as head of the departments “Intercultural Pedagocial Training” and “Evaluation and Research” at the French-German Youth Office (FGYO)


Zwischen Partizipation und Ausgrenzung: Integration und sozialer Zusammenhalt in Deutschland und Frankreich als Herausforderung für den deutsch-französischen Austausch  (Between Participation and Exclusion: Integration and Social Cohesion in France and in Germany as a Challenge for French-German Cooperation and Exchange)
Coordinator / co-director of the annual meeting of the pedagogical associates of the FGYO. Blossin (D), 25.-29.6.2006

Regional Cooperation and Youth Exchange in the Balkans
Coordination and co-direction of a training program for trainers of youth associations from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Germany, France, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia as part of the South Eastern Europe Initiative of the FGYO. Organized by the FGYO, LOJA (Tetovo) and Schüler helfen Leben (Sarajevo)

Integration und Chancengleichheit fördern. Ein deutsch-französisches Netzwerk zum Austausch von beispielhaften Initiativen auf regionaler und lokaler Ebene (Promoting Integration and Equal Opportunities. A French-German Network for the Exchange and Cooperation of Local and Regional Initiatives)
Co-organization / co-direction of the inaugural seminar. Organized by the FGYO and the Stiftung Genshagen. Genshagen (D), 14.-17.9.2006
Project description as pdf-document + internet-link

Mobilité et dévelopment local – Formation Médiateurs Jeunesse (Mobility and Local Development – Youth-Mediators-Training)
Coordination of a pilot project for social workers and young persons from underprivileged aeras, organized by the FGYO, in cooperation with bapob (Berlin) and Une terre culturelle (Marseille)

Interkulturelle Aus- und Fortbildungen auswerten (Why and How to Evaluate Intercultural Education)
Coordination and co-direction of a workshop organized by the FGYO in cooperation with organizers of French-German training sessions. Werftpfuhl (D) , 20.-23.6.2006

Zusammenarbeit und Dialog der Zivilgesellschaften: Chance für das Entstehen einer neuen europäischen Kultur? (Cooperation and Dialogue of Civil Societies: An Opportunity for the Development of a new European culture?)
Direction of a workshop at the annual meeting of AIESEC Germany. Münster (D), 12-13.11.2005

L’échange scolaire – tout un projet! (How to organize School Exchange as a Pedagogical and Intercultural Project)
Coordination of a training for teachers – pilot project, organized by the FGYO in cooperation with B.I.L.D. / GÜZ. Werftpfuhl (D) 22.-27.10.2005, 18.-23.10.2006

Les echanges franco-allemands pour faire aimer l’Europe? La place de  l‘Europe dans les rencontres franco-allemandes de jeunes (Loving Europe? The Place of Europe in French-German Youth Encounters)
Coordination / co-direction of the annual meeting of the pedagogical associates of the FGYO. Evian (F), 26.-30.9.2005

Coaching von Teamern deutsch-französischer Begegnungen (Coaching for Organizers of French-German Youth Encounters)
Coordination of  a pilot training project organized by the FGYO, the “Institut für Systemische Impulse und Ausbildung” (Berlin) and “Peuple et Culture” (Paris). Berlin (D). 9.-12.5.2005

Les échanges trilatéraux de l’OFAJ avec les pays du pourtour méditérranéen – un défi pédagogique, organisationnel et politique (The FGYO’s Trilateral Exchange Programs with Countries of the South Mediterranean Space – a Pedagogical, Organisational and Political Challenge )
Coordination / co-direction of an evaluative meeting with partner organisations of the FGYO from Algeria, France, Germany, Lebanon, Marocco, Palestina, Turkey and Tunisa. Marly le Roi (F), 20.-24.4.2005

Model for the Balkans? Franco-German History from Hostility to Cooperation: Opportunities and Limits for a Transfer of the Franco-German Experience to FGYO-Encounters with South Eastern Europe
Coordination / co-direction of a training session for NGO-respresentatives from Germany, France, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia-Montenegro, as part of the SEE Initiative of the FGYO. Neuwiller-les-Saverne (F), 5-12.6.2004

Interkultureller Austausch als pädagogisches Projekt (Intercultural Exchange as a Pedagogical Project)
Co-organization / co-direction of the Second French-German Fall Academy for teachers organized by the FGYO in cooperation with the Institut für die Lehrerfortbildung Thüringen. Bad Berka (D), 27.10. – 1.11.2003

L’OFAJ, champ d’expérimentation au service d‘une société civile européenne (The French-German Youth Office – a Laboratory for an European Civil Society)
Coordination of the forum for the 40th anniversary of the creation of the French-German Youth Office, with partner organisation of the FGYO and researchers. Sanary-sur-Mer (F), 2. – 5.7.2003

Modell USA? Deutschland, Frankreich und die Vereinigten Staaten (The United States of America as a Model? France, Germany and the United States)
Co-organization of a seminar organized for Amercian, French and German NGO-representatives, organized by the Internationale Begegnungsstätte Jagdschloss Glienicke, ROUDEL and the Foundation Checkpoint Charlie, with the support of FGYO. Berlin (D), 5-10.5.2003

ciep 2Ouverture internationale et échanges : pour une pédagogie raisonnée des différences (Education Systems and International Exchange: Developing a Rationalized Pedagogy of the Differences)
Co-organization / co-direction of the Fall Academy (Université d’Automne) of the French Ministry for Education, organized by the FGYO, the Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques and the ADECE. Sèvres (F), 27.-31.10.2002

Coordination and co-direction of a training program for NGO-representatives from Germany, France, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia  and Kosovo, as part of the SEE Initiative of the FGYO. Organized by the FGYO, Interkulturelles Netzwerk e.V. (Berlin), Peuple et Culture (Paris), Center for Balkan Cooperation “LOJA” (Tetovo) and ISC (Skopje)

Cultures jeunes et travail franco-allemand (Youth Cultures and French-German Youth Work)
Co-organization / co-direction of four workshops with representatives from youth associations from France and Germany. Evian (F), 22.-25.10.2001, 4.-8.2.2002, 18.-22.3.2002 ; Marly le Roi (F),15-18.4.2002

Trinationale Begegnungsprogramme: Bilanz und Perspektiven (Trilateral Exchange Programs: Results and Perspectives)
Coordination / co-direction of an evaluative meeting with organizers of French-German exchange programs with countries of Eastern Europe, of South Eastern Europe and of the Mediterranean. La Rochelle (F), 19.-20.10.2001

Lust auf Politik – das Politische im Deutsch-Französischen und das Deutsch-Französische in der Politik (Desire of Politics – The Political Dimension of the French-German Relationship and the French-German Dimension in Politics)
Coordination / co-direction of the annual meeting of the pedagogical associates of the FGYO. Leipzig (D), 23.-28.9.2002

Deutsch-französischer Grundschullehreraustausch (French-German exchange program for primary school teachers)
One-year exchange program for primary school teachers from France and Germany, organized by the FGYO in cooperation with the French Ministry for Education and the Ministries for Culture of the participating Bundesländer. Co-direction of the annual repartition commissions, the pre-departure information meetings, the pedagogical preparation seminars, the mid-term evaluation seminars, and the final evaluation seminars. Germany and France, 2002-3, 2003-4, 2004-5, 2005-6, 2006-7

L’importance de l’histoire dans le travail franco-allemand : L’exemple de la guerre d’Algerie (The Importance of History for French-German Exchange Programs: The Example of the Algerian War)
Coordination /co-direction of the annual meeting of the pedagogical associates of the FGYO. Evian-les-Bains (F), 24.-28.9.2001

Soziale Ausgrenzung und Gewalt in den Lebensräumen von Jugendlichen (Social exclusion and violence in the living environments of young persons)
Co-organization / co-direction of a FGYO-seminar for NGO-representatives from France and Germany, in the framework of  the French-German Summit with Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder. Freiburg, 10-12.6.2001

3. Before 2000 (as trainer for Bureau International de Liaison et de Documentation (B.I.L.D.) and Gesellschaft für übernationale Zusammenarbeit (G.Ü.Z) and as DAAD-Lektor)

Deutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung (Germany After the Reunification)
Co-organisation of study trips for students of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Paris, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Berlin- Potsdam-Rostock-Halle (D), 19.-27.2.1993 ; Berlin-Potsdam-Werder- Schwerin (D), 24.2.- 3.3.1995

Das Superwahljahr 1994 im Deutsch-Unterricht (The elections of 1994 as topic of German lessons)
Direction of a training session for teachers, organized by the Goethe-Institute in Paris. Paris (F), 28.9.1994

Europa – Vertiefung versus Erweiterung? (Europe – Consolidation versus Enlargment?)
Direction of a workshop organized by B.I.L.D./GUEZ at the French-German youth meeting as part of the summit meeting between Helmut Kohl and François Mitterand.  Heidelberg (D), 8.6.1994

Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Rechtsradikalismus in Europa (Past, Present and Future of Right-wing Extremism in Europe)
Co-direction of a intercultural training for trainers from France, Germany and Poland, organized by B.I.L.D. /GUEZ, Munich and Dachau (D), 20.-26.6.1993


Co-direction of French-German Seminars for Young Adults, organized by B.I.L.D./ GUEZ  in Wasserburg (D):

Training Sessions for Future Leaders of French-German Youth Encounters

Co-Direction, organized by B.I.L.D./GUEZ. Wasserburg (D): February 1989; February and April 1990; February 1991; February 1992

Identités et rencontres interculturelles (Identities and Intercultural Encounters)
Co-direction of training sessions for leaders of French-German exchange programs, organized by the French-German Youth Office in cooperation with B.I.L.D./GÜZ. Chantilly (F), 9.-13.10.1989 ; Berlin-Glienicke (D), 11.-15.6.1990