Trans-European Research and Cooperation

The sixth annual studytrip and workshop will take place between 4–10 October 2015 in Belgium. It will gather around 40 representatives of initiatives related to dealing with the past from countries of South Eastern Europe and Western/Central Europe. The aims are to explore Belgian history and memorialization challenges, with a specific focus on World War One, colonial history and questions of European memory, and to connect the experiences from Belgium with the situations and remembrance-work in other European countries. The workshop and the study-trip 2015 are organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights BiH, the Belgium National Institute for Veterans and Victims of War, the French-German Youth Office, Forum ZFD, and crossborder factory, with the financial support of the King Baudouin Foundation, CCFD – Terre Solidaire, Forum ZFD and the French-German Youth Office.