Trans-European Research and Cooperation

Die Mutter aller Attentate? Sarajevo 1914, Marseille 1934, Dallas 1963, Twin Towers 2011 (The mother of all assassinations? Sarajevo 1914, Marseille 1934, Dallas 1963, Twin Towers 2011), in: Vahidin Preljevic / Clemens Ruthner (ed.), “The long shots of Sarajevo”, 1914-2014. Ereignis – Narrativ – Gedächtnis – Politik, Tübingen, Narr Francke, 2016, 617-634
Majka svih atentata? Sarajevo 1914, Marseille 1934, Dallas 1963, Twin Towers 2011
In: Vahidin Preljevic / Clemens Ruthner (ed.), Sarajevski dugi pucnji 1914. Dogadjaj – narativ – pamcenje, Zenica, Vrijeme, 2015, 527-541
To what extent has ‘Sarajevo 1914’ become a central reference and benchmark of comparison in the history of political assassinations in the 20th and 21st century? This question will be discussed through three case studies: the assassination of King Alexander of Yugoslavia in 1934 in Marseille, the murder of John F. Kennedy in 1963 in Dallas and the attacks on New York and Washington on September 11, 2001. In each case the analysis examines how and for which reasons reference to ‘Sarajevo 1914’ was made in the public discussion in Europe and the USA in the aftermath of these events. The second part analyses what the specificities in the public interpretations of ‘Sarajevo 1914’ and of the three other assassinations are in a comparative perspective. The aim of the text is to contribute to a better understanding of collective representations and interpretations of ‘Sarajevo 1914’ and the three other assassinations, and to a discussion about the role of historical analogies for the interpretation of events in sociopolitical discourses.