Nicolas Moll

Trans-European Research and Cooperation

New publication: “Division and Denial and Nothing Else? Culture of History and Memory Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

In: Cultures of History Forum, Imre Kertész Kolleg University Jena, April 2015. Online: The article gives an overview of the fragmented culture of history in Bosnia and Herzegovina, twenty years after the end of the 1992-1995 war which left the country deeply divided along political and ethnic lines. Parallel ethnonational narratives about the past are […]

Charlie, Nicht-Charlie, Ahmed, Dalia… Wer bin ich, und wenn ja, wie viele ?

Als nach den Charlie Hebdo-Morden sehr schnell die Parole “Je suis Charlie” auftauchte und zum zentralen Slogan auf sozialen Netzwerken und im öffentlichen Raum wurde, fand ich das einerseits gut und nachvollziehbar: Es ist eine einfache und klare Geste, Solidarität zu bekunden, und um gerade durch die Masse der “Je suis Charlie”-Verbreitung zu demonstrieren, wie […]

Memory Lab: Fifth annual study trip and workshop

The fifth annual “Memory Lab” studytrip and workshop took place between 5–11 October 2014 in Kosovo and Macedonia, and gathered 40 representatives of “dealing with the past”-initiatives from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Kosovo, Macedonia, the Netherlands and Serbia. The workshop and the study-trip 2014 were organized by the Youth Initiative for Human […]

Wake up Europe

Postcard realized during the siege of Sarajevo by the designer group “Trio”. Reproduced with courtesy of “Trio”